App Usage Policy & Guidelines


The “Pure Family” app Policy is to be adopted and followed by all Pure Health employees’ who have access and are using the app.


Engaging through the “Pure Family” app means that the employee (and the content they exchange) are subject to the app’s terms of service/guidelines. This can have serious implications, including the possibility that interactions could be subject to scrutiny by Pure Health management. Pure Health has access to and control over information disclosed to or on the app. For instance, any information might be turned over to Pure Health management without specific consent or knowledge.


Pure Health is committed to transparency towards the upkeep and integrity of our organisation. As we grow, we will continue to be inclusive of our growing community and it is important that it is reflected in how we communicate, especially with each other. The following guidelines should be adhered to, to ensure a seamless and problem free app experience for all Pure Health employees:

1.Pure Health employees are expected to use their judgment to act, at all times and in all ways, in the best interests of Pure Health while engaging on the “Pure Family” app.

2.When engaging with fun activities or competitions on the app (such as creation of a video or sharing photographs), please note that dishonourable content such as political, racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical disability slurs are not tolerated and will not be used for engagement.

3.As a multicultural company with employees representing various cultures from across the world; while posting images/videos, we expect employees to be mindful and culturally sensitive as certain gestures/words might seem harmless and plausible to use but might be disrespectful to fellow colleagues from a different culture. For example, while creating visual content, a palm-front facing V represents peace sign while vice-versa is equivalent to a slur.

4.Employees are not permitted to publish, post or release any information, including client-related, that is considered confidential. One can always reach out to their immediate supervisor, in case of any queries with regards to confidentiality of any content.

5.Employees should refrain from sharing content from the “Pure Family” app to their personal accounts or any external platform.

6.Employees should follow the company code of conduct guidelines while engaging on the app.

7.The employee should only post images or video that they have clicked and/or have the right to share. The company is not responsible for any copyright violations on the part of the employee for misuse of content.

8.All the content shared by an employee will mandatorily undergo a content check by the applications team and the posts taken live on the app are subject to the application teams’ discretion.

9.While creating content, employees should refrain from tampering with the Pure Health logo or any Pure Health property to preserve brand integrity.

10.Employees should get appropriate permission before they refer to or post images of current or former employees, members, vendors or suppliers.